Get ready for a great time as you embark on our program packed with exciting activities. From virtual to in-person experiences, we've got you covered. Our program is designed to cater to your needs with a perfect balance of online and face-to-face interactions. The program offers a unique blend of interactive workshops, engaging discussions, and hands-on activities that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. The detailed description of the online and face-to-face components is provided below, so you know exactly what to expect.
Pre-course online
Jun 12/21/30 & Sept 1, 2023
(Aveiro, PT)
Sept 4-8, 2023
Session 1. Engage - From idea to challenge (kick-off meeting)
Jun 12, 4 hours
Session 2. Investigate - The foundations
Jun 21, 3 hours
Session 3. Act - Solutions set up
Jun 30, 3 hours
Session 4. Act - From concretion to evaluation and publication of results and reflections
Sept 1, 4 hours
Self-direct study
(separated zoom session with individual breakout rooms for each group
Total: 22 hours
S1. Jun 13-20, 5 hours;
S2. Jun 22-28, 5 hours;
S3. Jun 29-Jul 05, 12 hours.
Session 1. Opening social event: intercultural inclusion
Sept 4, 4 hours
Session 2. Laboratory activity I
Sept 5, 4 hours
Session 3. Explore & Social-Intercultural inclusion
Sept 6, 6 hours
Session 4. Laboratory activity II
Sept 7, 4 hours
Session 5. Evaluation and publication of results and reflections
Sept 8, 4 hours
Self-direct study
(separated zoom session with individual breakout rooms for each group
Total: 14 hours
Before Sept 4, 4 hours;
S2. Sept 5, 5 hours;
S4. Sept 7, 5 hours.
Contents & Learning outcomes
C1. Physiology of the reproductive system;
C2. Infertility;
C3. Male and female fertility evaluation;
C4. Medically Assisted Reproduction;
C5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases;
C6. Lifestyle factors with impact on reproductive health.
At the end of the program, each student should be able to:
O1. Recognize the physiopathological basis of the Reproductive System;
O2. Be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the understanding of human fertility, its control and evaluation;
O3. Identify the lifestyle factors that can have impact in the Reproductive Health;
O4. Apply the acquired knowledge in the resolution of real cases related to the influence of lifestyle on Reproductive Health;
O5. Cooperate in multicultural group work.
The assessment is based on the presentation in the form of a pitch of a project resulting from the virtual component in multicultural groups. It will be complemented with the analysis of the results of the practical component of the face-to-face component.
The assessment process will include:
Element 1: Individual reflection and peer review (25%)
Element 2: Presentation and oral discussion of group work (75%).